5 Top Tips For Keeping Your Home Safe

your home

Invest In Safe Exterior Doors

Did you know that in over half of home burglaries, the intruders enter through the front door? And in a third of burglaries, they enter through the back door? That’s why it’s so important to ensure your exterior doors are secure and safe from break ins.

Smart designer doors are made from aluminium and include a ten-point locking mechanism, triple glazed laminated glass, three hinges resistant up to 80kg of pressure, hardened stainless steel and picking protection, conically shaped locking pins and a laser cut key profile system to prevent keys being copied without authorisation.

Don’t Advertise Your Whereabouts On Social Media

As much as it’s great to share your day out or holiday on social media, if it means your house is empty and unguarded then it might be best to wait until your home to share pictures from your day or holiday.

Whether your profile is private or public, it’s best to not advertise an empty home as you never know who might take advantage and be opportunistic. As much as we want to see the best in people, almost half of burglars know their victims so only tell trusted family and friends about your plans.

Keep Valuables Out Of Sight

Keep valuables out of sight from windows and glass back doors, burglars are opportunists and will think nothing of sticking a hand in or letting themselves in to take a laptop, phone, car keys, money they see sitting in plain view. Even if you’re at home, burglars can be quick, so keep them out of sight and ensure ground floor windows and doors are locked if you leave a room.

Rather than the big-ticket items of yesteryear like TVs and stereos, burglars are after small, portable, valuable items they can quickly sell.

Ensure You’re Insured

Whether you rent or own your home, make sure you have contents insurance and make sure it’s up to date to cover your valuable items to the correct amount. In many cases, it’s unlikely your items will be recovered, or the criminals will be caught, so you will often need to claim on your insurance to replace the stolen items.

By ensuring your insurance is up to date and paid, you shouldn’t be left out of pocket if items are stolen which will help soften the blow.

Invest In CCTV

Investing in CCTV and surveillance for your home is now easier than ever thanks to the growing popularity and falling price of smart home cameras and doorbells. Monitor who comes to your door, who is on your property and even inside your property to give you peace of mind and the ability to check in on your home when you’re away via your smartphone. It also helps provide valuable evidence if a criminal does take a chance on your property, increasing the likelihood of them being caught or choosing to avoid your property due to the CCTV.

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