Tips For Renovating A Victorian Terrace House In The Winter


When it comes to home renovation, the ideal time to get work done is during the warm spring and summer months; especially if you intend to live on site. However, in some cases you may have to bite the bullet and arrange for renovation to begin sooner than this. You may even need demolition services in London to begin major works during winter. This difficult process is manageable if you go into it with the right mindset though, so here are some top tips to get you off to a good start when renovating your Victorian terrace in colder weather.

Find A Trusted Team Of Builders And Professionals

The most important place to start is finding a trusted team of professionals. Do your research and don’t hire someone random on Facebook marketplace who claims to have experience. This is a sure-fire way to get burned! By searching for professional builders in your local area and running checks, you will quickly be able to tell who can be trusted and who should be avoided. Talk to friends and family. Who have they had successful work done by? Would they recommend them to you and pass on their contact details? Sometimes word of mouth from a trusted source can actually save the day.

Websites such as ‘check-a-trade’ will also allow you to read public reviews of companies in your area. You can then reach out to the company directly and request a free project quote and site visit.

Have Friends And Family On Standby

If you are renovating your house during winter, then you need to ensure that friends and family are on standby to offer help where possible. Having somewhere to go that’s free of dust and noise, or to take a hot shower is going to be very welcome in the event of major work. Friends and family may also be able to provide insights during the work process, offer opinions or just drop round with a hot meal if you don’t have access to your kitchen!

Tackle One Area At A Time

If you plan to live in your house during renovations, then you should consider completing one area at a time. In winter, you will need to have one area of the house that is not being worked on, in order to create a safe and warm space. For example, try renovating upstairs and downstairs at separate intervals.

Project Management And Deadline Updates

Having good communication with builders, demolition teams, plumbers and electricians is essential. If you don’t feel able to handle project management yourself, then it may be a good idea to bring someone onboard who can do this for you. You will need to keep on top of what has been done and what still needs doing.

Keeping your team on check and sticking to deadlines will ensure that you don’t go too far over budget and that all parties are working together, rather than at their own pace. With these few tips in mind, you should be off to a good start!

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